I am so very excited. My brother called me today and he is going down to Penn tomorrow to get tested for the colon cancer gene.
I just know that he doesn't have it! I was positive I had it, and it turned out I was right. And I feel just as strongly that my brother doesn't have it. I hope I am right again.
Please keep him in your thoughts that he doesn't have the gene and will not pass it on to his 2 children.
It scares me to think he could have it too. But if he does, then he will know and he will be able to get tested each year like I do. And if he doesn't, he won't have to get a colonoscopy until he is 45 or so.
To find out more about this read my blog posts:
colon cancer screening results
Do CFers hate people that smoke. I hate myself for it. My niece has cf and works to breathe. I take my lungs for granted. I feel like such a piece of shit. I'm having a hard time after Eve died dealing w/ mortality. Anyways I just stumbled on to your blog. I had to vent. I'm sorry.