We spent Monday at the beach. E, J and my mom had gotten new boogie boards that morning so they all brought them down. P and I decided to take a swim (ok he convinced me as I haven't been in the ocean in years past my lower calves). HOLY SMOKES! The ocean can wear you out faster than anything else! I made it out a little ways and had to go back in I was exhausted. We were out to our lower bellies (on me) before I got tired from jumping the waves. So I went back and laid down to read for like an hour. After that we did it again. We got much farther out and rode some waves. Then P had to lug me back in as I was totally done. Even kicking wasn't going to happen. My mom and aunt said when I walked out of the ocean I looked like I was going to drop dead. There was no color in my face at all and I was staggering. Scary to think what the waves can do to someone at this stage of CF. After that I again laid down and read some more till we all went back to the house.
Monday night was our big trip to the boardwalk. Everyone was riding rides and playing games. I stayed down with my niece when everyone would go on the roller coasters. J and E did a bunch of the kiddie rides when E wasn't on the adult roller coasters! My mom's boyfriend went to find a bar as he isn't a huge rides fan, and then a bit later P decided to catch up with him for a drink then meet us back on the pier. Well we eventually left and my mom called her BF to tell to him to tell P to meet us on the 2nd pier. P wasn't with him. So I went back to the pier to look for him. I must have missed him on the tram car (they have a tram that goes up and down the mile long boardwalk and P said he had hopped on so I must have missed him walking past it) because he was no where to be found. I headed back to the 2nd pier and as I did so I saw an ambulance and fire truck with their lights on. It made my head think and I started to get all teary eyed. By the time I found the rest of them I was full on crying and couldn't stop. I did this for the next hour. I was having fun and taking pictures but I couldn't stop crying. Eventually we went back to the house and P was there. Oh also he and I had left our phones at the house so we couldn't call each other). I was so worried I lost him lol. At least I know just how much I love him and got a glimpse of what would happen if I ever really lost him.
The rest of the week was great too. Wednesday P and I went para sailing and jet skiing!!! We were 375 feet above the water! I held on for dear life! I get motion sick and we were the last couple to go up so by the time we did, I was green and ready to hurl all over the place. Luckily I was able to keep it down but for the rest of the day I was a bit nauseous.

After that we met up with my sister in law and the kids at the water park. It was my first time at one and we had a blast! I actually climbed the steps up to slide down! 94 steps holy moley! I did it 5 times over 3 hours lol. There are different levels so I would stop at each one and take a few breathers for a minute or two. And I walked very slow up the steps, letting people pass me. The lines were super tiny so I wasn't worried about that part. Though a long line might have been better on the lungs!

We definitely had a great time and I am so glad we got to go. I am looking forward to our family camping adventure the end of August.
So, so glad you had a great time!!!