That is my normal course though when I am on IVs and stop. A couple of weeks after stopping I slide right back to my baseline. I might get to 48-50% right after I stop then boom...back down.
So while it's kind of disappointing it isn't a total surprise to me. I'm still better off than the 38% I was at when I started.
I basically chalked this whole thing up to a round of IVs since most likely if I hadn't received the drug (which is not official BTW, but very likely considering my success with it) I would have ended up on IVs at some point soon. I could feel myself getting sick. So now I am not sick and feel pretty normal. My normal sick if you will LOL.
I still have 2 more visits left to monitor me and how I do after stopping.
Everything else was good...weight still 119 and blood pressure still normal.
AND Saturday marks ONE YEAR since I was in the hospital. Not bad considering last year it was 3 times in 6 months!!!! So not only will I be celebrating my nephew's birthday I will celebrate being "healthy" for a year!!!! =D