Yep, that time of year is here again. Where coughing, sniffling, sneezing and wheezing are part of the daily routine...and I don't mean for me! School is back in session and so are the germs. I was "fortunate" enough to catch something. And now, I have the raspy voice, raw throat, sniffling nose and achy lungs. Grrrrreat.
I am pretty sure it is not just from school starting up. Between the weekend down in PA with so many kids and parties and lack of sleep, I think my body just hit its limit.
I have been taking it easy since yesterday, just doing what I need to do and that's it. Tomorrow I plan on sleeping or at least laying in bed all day. Friday I really want to go to the Jumper's Classic in NH. But that will depend on how I feel.
I started back on my saline rinses but as of right now nothing is getting through. So maybe in a few days my nose will clear out some and the saline can get through it. I also bought Vitamin C drops and some throat drops to try to help. Along with sucking on lemon wedges (a friend told me about this) and restarting the Keflex that my doctor had taken me off of. I'll give it till next Tuesday then call in and ask for some Cipro. This is not the way I wanted to start the fall season!
Come October 5th when I have my next appointment, I hope to get my flu shot.
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