This 30-something's journey with Cystic Fibrosis, Lynch Syndrome, CFRD and the Lung Transplant process
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Clinic Today
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I'm like a french fry...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Feeling crappy
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Great Strides Walk #2!

I have to say off the bat that I think I am in love with NYC! All the people is a little un-nerving but wow…it was my first time sleeping over in the big apple and man o man I loved it! Helped a bunch that my host lives in a fabulous apartment with a fantastic view.
I got to town about 5pm on Saturday. Piper met me outside of
I got to meet Sammy and he is so super cute! And what a little fur ball! It made me miss Maggie!!!
Piper and I had a quiet evening. We went to dinner then had gelato (awesome from Groms) then met up with her friend Ben and had a drink. It was fun hanging out with Piper and her friends. We went back to her place and waited for her other friend Luke to get into town from
Today we did
At least this time I was smart enough to get some pictures!!!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
The turnpike was backed up on my way from work today so it gave me more time to think…cause we all know how much I need that!
I was thinking about how I am moving back in with my mom soon and how this time last year I was so
Quite frankly I don’t think I have ever been so happy in my life. I have my “days” here and there like everyone but not like before. I
I think back to when I was “crushing” on all those guys. I still find them all attractive and whatnot but the whole “
It’s fabulous! The thought of completely letting your emotions be controlled by someone else is just horrific! I don’t want that. I hate when people loose themselves when they date a guy. We all do it to a point, but most of my friends are this way. I guess thinking more into it, most people, when in a relationship, go from a single person mentality to a couple mentality. And no I don’t just mean in the sense that they are dating someone. In other ways too, thoughts, actions, etc. You and that person become one so to speak. For me I don’t know if I want that. That’s not to say I wouldn’t change my mind when Mr. Perfect-for-me walked in the door, but right now, the thought SCARES me.
I know I had so much more to write about and some day I will actually USE my voice notes recorder on my phone so I can get it all down. But for now I will submit to what I CAN remember!!
And on a side note…I registered to take the GRE July 18th I go. That will give me plenty of time to study and prepare for it! I am so excited!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
You know you're obsessed when...
I can't sleep as I've stated already. I've been thinking about what Rhi and I chatted about in chat earlier tonight. School, more specifically, grad school and me going. I'm super stoked to apply and enroll. But I admit I'm almost as scared to go as I am excited. It's a big decision. Not one to be taken lightly. It's also a dream of mine. Not one to be taken lightly. As I jokingly said in chat: rock-me-hard place.
I don't want to throw my health away and I need to be honest with myself that I am no longer the same person as I was a few years ago. My energy is next to nothing and I find myself taking days to recover when it used to take hours. That does not make for an easy grad school career.
However, I also know I am stubborn as a boulder and tolerant to things when I least expect to be. In other words, I'll probably survive the first year maybe two with no issues then start to slack off and eventually find myself sick. Really sick.
But do I see it as worth it?
I LOVE my job, I LOVE my co-workers and I really don't want to leave them and it for school. I also don't want to go to the tx surgery table without at least attempting grad school.
Just more for me to ponder. As it rests now I am thinking of trying a semester with one class and full time work, just to see how I do. If it doesn't work I modify. The only problem with it is all me and my need for organization...I NEED a plan! Scratches on paper does not a plan make. I need concrete plans in order to stress less. I need to take some chill pills ay? :)
Well now that I've eased my mind slightly hopefully I can fall asleep and be well rested for clinic and study appointments tomorrow morning.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Great Strides Walk at the Philadelphia Zoo!
Today was the walk for CF. It was absolutely GORGEOUS out!! There was a chance of rain and considering it has rained for the last 11 days we thought for sure we would be rained on. Thankfully Mother Nature spared us. It was hot, sunny and awesome!
I picked Piper up at the train station at 9:30 and we went to the zoo to meet everyone. It was awesome that she came in from NYC to be here. I will be there next weekend for their walk! YAY! Being the brilliant team coordinator I am I didn’t take ANY pictures of anyone! I suck! So I stole my friend April’s pics haha! At least it is something right? I really wanted a group shot but there were SO many people that it would have been very difficult to get it.
The turn out was phenomenal! With o
There was only one mishap with a group of my team getting in late but they made it. I couldn’t turn in my money since I was waiting for them at the gate so I am mailing it in tomorrow. No biggie!! Mostly everyone left shortly after the walk ended….it was HOT! But some of my office team and Piper and I stayed around and wandered. Then it was just Piper and I so we stayed in the primate house and chatted it up for over an hour. It was great.
I absolutely love my friends, family and coworkers. I got teary eyed thinking of how amazingly lucky I am too have so many people that support me. I have
Enjoy the pictures!!!! And you can yell at me for not taking any of my own haha!

Monday, May 4, 2009
I did it
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Going back to school
Ok well I was gonna wait a while but then I decided not too.
For some unknown reason I have been really wanting to go back to school to get my master’s degree lately. So much so I have been looking into schools. The hard part is deciding what to get my Master’s in. I have always wanted my MA in
I want my master’s. It is one of my goals in life. I have my undergrad and now time for the graduate degree. I also need to decide when to do it. Do I start now taking a class here and there either online or Saturdays or do I wait until I can’t work due to my health then mooch off the gov’t and have them pay for it? The last one is super appealing for obvious reasons (not having to add to my student loan debt), but who knows how long until I hit that mark ya know.
Then I wander about what happens when I can’t work and my student loan debt. We had a convo in chat one night and it seems that any gov’t issued loans will be forgiven when you are out on permanent disability. Of course I would have to check with my lender on this one but hell that is awesome! So then it kind of deters me from wanting to take classes after I can’t work since then I will be doubly screwing the gov’t. Why do I give a dam about the gov’t so much? I dunno but I do.
And of course the schools I am looking into for my MA in History are
Maybe I am a total idiot for wanting to do this. Who knows what my health will be like and if I will be able to work once I have the degree. Most likely it will be for a personal benefit of mine and not so much for a professional benefit. Only the media design would be. I did get some info in the mail about that from an online college. But that I am not as into as the MA in History.
Oh well I don’t know. Someday maybe I will be able to take the classes and get my graduate degree. Or maybe the dream will fall to the wayside like that of having babies…only time shall tell.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Felling kinda like I have too...
Well I haven’t had a good blog in a very long time. One of those that really lets you deep into me. I just haven’t felt the need or the desire to do so. I have had a lot going on with the study and my step mother, but nothing that I wanted to share with the world.
I have been very happy lately, very content and don’t want to spoil it by digging into my inner most feelings. I know what’s in there and I am letting them hide out for now! I wanna stay happy and content a little while longer. I don’t want to think about all the bad shit I have inside. It can stay there right? No need for it to come out.
I have been thinking a lot about my close online friends. How sick some of them are and how I just want them to get lungs, get better, stay healthy etc. They all worry me and I guess I am kinda just avoiding anything that is serious and not happy in my blog. I dunno if that makes any sense. And I don’t want my friends to feel bad…you know who you are and I love ya all and worry so no need to yell haha!!!
Happy news:
Today was my nephew’s 5th birthday party. He had a blast and I am exhausted haha!
Next Saturday is the GS walk at the Philly zoo. I am looking forward to that.
I still have a job thankfully. The housing market sucks and I am thanking my lucky stars everyday that I still work.
I think that’s it. Again, I promise sometime soon I will update with some more in depth blogging but for now the shallow Amy is shining through!