Today was the walk for CF. It was absolutely GORGEOUS out!! There was a chance of rain and considering it has rained for the last 11 days we thought for sure we would be rained on. Thankfully Mother Nature spared us. It was hot, sunny and awesome!
I picked Piper up at the train station at 9:30 and we went to the zoo to meet everyone. It was awesome that she came in from NYC to be here. I will be there next weekend for their walk! YAY! Being the brilliant team coordinator I am I didn’t take ANY pictures of anyone! I suck! So I stole my friend April’s pics haha! At least it is something right? I really wanted a group shot but there were SO many people that it would have been very difficult to get it.
The turn out was phenomenal! With o
There was only one mishap with a group of my team getting in late but they made it. I couldn’t turn in my money since I was waiting for them at the gate so I am mailing it in tomorrow. No biggie!! Mostly everyone left shortly after the walk ended….it was HOT! But some of my office team and Piper and I stayed around and wandered. Then it was just Piper and I so we stayed in the primate house and chatted it up for over an hour. It was great.
I absolutely love my friends, family and coworkers. I got teary eyed thinking of how amazingly lucky I am too have so many people that support me. I have
Enjoy the pictures!!!! And you can yell at me for not taking any of my own haha!

Congratulations Amy on the awesome amount of money raised. All us CFers are gratefulf for your friends, family and coworkers support.
Way to kick butt at the walk!!! Thanks for raising so much moola!
Wow that was Great!!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful day and Yes you kick ass that is why everybody loves you. You Rock! That was super cool that Piper came down to walk with you, good girls!