This 30-something's journey with Cystic Fibrosis, Lynch Syndrome, CFRD and the Lung Transplant process
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Moving on...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
CF story!!!
Since I have been tagged I will join in the fun!
I am so using Piper as a guide since she and I have a lot of the same things LOL!
Here is my CF stats list!!!!
I am 28 years old and will be 29 in October!
I was diagnosed at 5 years old. My mom took me to all the good hospitals in Philly and all they told her was I was allergic to everything! So she stripped my room down to the bare bones and cleaned every day. Yet I got worse. I could also eat more than my 250lb dad and I was 2 years old. My mom KNEW there was something wrong. FINALLY our family DR who works from his house diagnosed me. Told my mom I had CF and to get me sweat tested. 162 was my number ;) I think it is safe to say he was right!
Funny thing that I think relates to the whole CF thing. My dad is one of nine and not a single one of them was under 9 lbs when born. Same with my most of mu cousins and my brother. I was 6lbs 9oz when I was born. I think there is a correlation!
My mutations are DDF508
I participated in the Penn gene therapy study back in 2000 (I think) but it got canned when some guy from another study died and his family sued (HELLO we signed papers saying that could happen!!!) WTF! Fucking sue-happy assholes!
I rode horses when I was younger doing lead line then I started again when I was 14 and rode till I was 18. I did show jumping on Hunters and LOVED it. I still miss it terribly and I have dreams at least 3 times a
I had a beating board too. My Aunt made it for me and I would lay on it upside down with my arm over my head and my mom would beat me. Then after 3 minutes she would do the “shake” thing and then I would sit up and cough. That all lasted until I was big enough to say go away LOL! Then I didn’t do CPT again until I got my vest in 1999. We used to use my board when I would have sleep-over’s as a couch and we would all sit on it and try to not fall into each other haha!!!!
I always thought I was the only one in my family but my dad told me a few weeks ago that he had an older cousin with it. I still have to call my Grandmom and get details. I have no idea if my brother has ever been tested but my nephew is healthy and I am hoping the next one is too.
I wasn’t hospitalized for a tune up until I was 18. I was death walking and it felt so good to get treated. After that I stayed out for 2 years, then 3 years after that then 3 more years then 3 times in 6
My FEV1 has
My weight was always an issue for me up until this past year. I am finally at a healthy weight and my lungs took a shit…figure that one out!
My FEV1 hovers around 40% right now and I am hoping with the Inhaled Cipro study I am starting next week I might get it to 45-50%.
I love my DR like my own father and God help me if he retires or dies before I do. I will be lost and devastated!!!! I would also love to move around and live in different areas but that would mean leaving him and I won’t do it. Call me stubborn but he has been my DR since I was 5. How is THAT for commitment!
I am obsessed with going to school and kinda of secretly (well I guess not now) am looking forward to the day I have to go on SSDI so I can go back to school full time and hopefully have the government FINALLY pay for it!
That’s all I can think of for now!!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
C. diff?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Continuation and update of last one
Friday, February 20, 2009
I have issues
I’m stuck in between a rock and a hard place. I felt frustrated and annoyed this morning. Maybe it was the past 4 weeks worth of events that have set me off again who knows. 3 deaths in 3 weeks. The day after each funeral the next one passed. I am hoping this is the set of 3s. Though I did not personally know 2 of them they still hurt. We lost one police officer in my township, the day after his funeral Jenn died. The day after Jenn’s funeral we lost another police officer in Philly. Today was his funeral. Will someone else pass tomorrow? Just so odd to me. But perhaps not.
Then of course my Maggie is sick. She threw up on Tuesday night and had the shits but seemed ok and Wednesday morning she ate and pooped fine. So I thought nothing of it. I came home from work Tuesday to find her pooped all over my room, wet my bed and threw up a few times. But the poop was “normal”. I was not too worried yet since she was still eating fine and acting normal. Then yesterday, I come home from work to find my room covered in bloody poop and throw up. I immediately called the vet and they told me to bring her right in. I did so. The vet thinks it is just a virus since she is acting ok. They did some blood work and gave her IV fluids since she didn’t want Maggie drinking or eating last night. I also got some anti-diarrhea meds to give her. $400 later and we went home. She has been fine today, no throwing up and no pooping nasty goo. She is sleeping on my lap as I write. My mom checked on her a few times today to make sure she was ok, since I was to bring her right back in if she continued the way she was.
That of course brings me to the true intent of this blog. The reason for the rock and hard place. It is my heath I talk of, in case anyone has been living under said rock and hasn’t a clue. I find myself
I do appreciate where I am. I do appreciate that I can still work and that I can still function. I just hate the “when will I crash” that seems to infect me. I live everyday wondering if today I will cough up insane amounts of blood. Or if one of my lungs will collapse. Or if I will just do something wacky and CF related and be out of commission for a while. It’s so hard to explain. And I don’t feel like this every day. Just a lot recently.
All these overwhelming emotions hit me on the turnpike this morning. I was thinking how most likely my office will be the last place I work before I die or get a transplant. It made me sad. Not because I don’t love my job and the people I work with but because I am 28 years old and I am thinking of that. Because it is a reality. Then in the same
UGH I am a mess. And for no real good reason. I shall go finish off my book, sleep well, purchase a new needle tomorrow and continue my crochet lessons.
Good night and sleep well my blog loving friends.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I miss riding
Quick update!!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My first attempt to Crochet

I always wanted to learn how to crochet. When my SIL was pregnant with my nephew 5 years ago I wanted to make a blanket for him. I never got around to it. So here I am 5 years later and learning on my own. I went to the store yesterday and bought needles, yarn and some instruction guides. I started yesterday and while I am not very good, I know practice will make perfect. I just have to find a way to hold my fingers better.
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009
To MA I shall go
Monday, February 9, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
more on Jenn since I can't stop thinking about her
I don’t know where to begin. When I am hurting it helps to write so write is what I shall do.
I don’t think it is real. I don’t feel anything. I am sad yes, but it doesn’t seem to have sunk in yet. I haven’t cried. Jenn is gone and I haven’t even cried.
It doesn’t surprise me, I was like that when my step-niece passed. I didn’t cry until the funeral. Then it was real to me. I assume the same will be with Jenn.
I just keep thinking that it is a joke. That someone will come online and say “just kidding”. But I know its true, she really did pass. CF really did take her life away.
I keep seeing her smiling face from all of her pictures. I keep thinking of how I was going to met her in December but got sick and couldn’t. I keep thinking that when I get to meet her in person she won’t be alive.
It’s so sad. I’m so sad. CF sucks. It beats you down and takes the good people away. But it does make you realize how awesome the friends are that you have, and makes you cherish those days with them.
I know this won’t be the last post I write about Jenn. It is the only way I know how to get my thoughts out. So bear with me my dear blog readers and expect more to come in the next few weeks.
Good Bless you Jenn!
On a side note I coughed my voice clear away. It is gone, totally…LOL
RIP Jenn
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Update on Jenn
she had an ekg on tuesday that revealed that one side of her heart was okay but the other side was significantly damaged. because she is sedated, they still don't know if or how much saturday's events might have damaged her brain. they have increased her pain meds a few more times and they are closely monitoring her and increasing it as much as she needs it. we were able to see her last night (i don't think we'll be going back again) and she looked better than she did on tuesday - more like jenn.
andy and joann are doing the best they can and having a tough time. her mom hasn't left her side and her dad is there 12 hours a day and taking care of both of them. one of jenn's wishes was to have her body donated to cf research and they have had all the folks at the hospital digging up information about how to do this. dr p has been coming to see her every morning and is helping them make sure they can do it through the cf foundation so they can make sure that she has the best chances of helping other cf kids. kind of depressing to think about, but it's comforting that they are doing what she really wanted and helping others to not have to go through this.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
CF flipping sucks
So many prayers needed please!!!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Some amazing news!
Well I am going to blog about some interesting information I discovered last night. I went to dinner with my dad and step-mom. I was able to fill in all the information needed about my family’s colon cancer history. I was floored at it! I knew of some of them but was completely in awe of just how many people have had it. So here is my list, just first name initials. Keep in mind this is all from my dad’s mom’s side of the family. The x2 means they had it twice!
- Dad
- Dad’s mom
- Aunt J (dad’s sister)
- Aunt P (dad’s sister)
- Aunt L (dad’s sister)
- Uncle J x2 (dad’s brother)
- Aunt L (dad’s sister)
- Great Uncle B (dad’s uncle – died from it)
- Great Uncle J (dad’s uncle – died from it)
- Great Uncle J x2 (dad’s uncle)
- Great Grandmom (dad’s Grandmom)
- Great Grand-dad (dad’s grand dad - died from it)
- Cousin D (dad’s cousin died when 14)
What this means is that I really need to consider being tested for the gene and getting a colonoscopy done.
I also found out that my dad’s cousin B had CF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to call my Grandmom and get some more information though. It was my grandfather’s brothers daughter and my dad said she lived to be fairly old. So I need to get some info about that.
I will be sure to post any and all information that I find!