I am so happy she chose me and 4 other bloggers (2 of which I am going to repeat haha!).
here are the rules:
1. post the award on your blog
2. link me for giving it to you
3. link the originating post nominating you
4. pass the award on to 5 more people
5. post the rules

LISA: She has always offered me great support and advice. Plus hearing her side of life as that of a CFer's wife is great! (oh snap I rhymed!). Her hubby is lucky to have her!
TINA: She has stood by her hubby as he declined, was listed and now is post-tx! An amazing wife!
BREE: she makes me laugh with her truthful stories that describe every annoyance and piece of life to the T! Come on new lungs for Bree!!!
RHI: cause well she is Rhi!!!! LOL we are very similar and reading her posts are like reading my own!
PIPER: same reasons as Rhi!!!!! We share similar cystic feelings :)
Congrats Amy.. you are so deserving of this!